The child should be hearing impaired/deaf (pre-lingual or post-lingual). Children with additional disabilities to the deafness/hearing impairment for example blind or physically challenged are also admitted. This should be medically proven through a coordinated assessment which is usually done at the National Assessment Centre, Achimota–Accra.
Person must be four (4) years old and above.
Admission period is in July of every year which is the third term of the academic year. The academic year starts usually in every September which is the first term.
Admissions are closed by the end of September each year, however, prospective applicants can join the Pre-School which is held once a week and non-residential.
No fees are charged as per admission; rather prospective parents /students are given a list of requirements which they have to provide for the child’s comfort. However, a few of the items on the list such as, school uniforms, School cloth, House attire (Friday wear) P.E Kits, medical examinations are done collectively to reduce cost and, therefore, the school administration conducts it.